If anyone is interested in some free music software, have a look at MuseScore.com. It was recommended to me by someone from one of the Yahoo Accordion groups (yes, I will admit to playing the old iron lung!). I've had a brief look at it and it seems to do most of what my Finale software does. It doesn't have a specific banjo category but for zero cost, not bad.

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Hi Joshua,   if MuseScore dosn't do Tab.( and on the web site it dosn't seem to )  there is a software prog.  Tabledit that does,   it's not free software but it does a good job of turning Notation into Tablature.  I think some of the other members  use this one.

I've been using Tab. but have decided to "have a go" at notation and am running both at once.  When I get fed up with the notation because I'm so slow at it ,I go back to the Tab. tunes, but I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that notation is the best way.

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