Hi All,

I have a few pics from kind parties already, but really need close-up pics of all the identical CE patterns as are indicated in the attached photo for a restoration of my CE Special XX.  Can kind members please help?



Ruari McLennan

Victoria BC

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My Special XX has an entirely different inlay pattern.

Hi Ruari,

I added your photo to show close up of your banjo MOP.

My Special XX is shown below but, as with Jody's, the MOP patterns are different to yours.

Hi, it's been 7 months since I last asked for help with engraving patterns for my "in restoration" CE Special X.  I wonder if TheReallyNiceMan could send me close-up pics of the inlays at frets 1,3,7,12,19 & 22 of his Special?  These are the same or similar enough my engraver should get a handle ion the style.  Thanks! 

Ruari McLennan, Victoria BC 

PS: We tried to get the fingerboard off to insert a carbon fibre rod in the neck for strength, but it began to destroy the fingerboard and especially the 3 multiply laminations under the fingerboard. They run across the whole neck under the fingerboard which made it difficult. So we're forgetting that idea for now and I will live with a bit of a curve in the neck, no bad thing for a clawhammerer!  Also, I may go to nylon strings anyway once she's done.

Hi Ruari,

I have taken a few photos but the quality is a bit poor. i hope can see most of the engraving, but the black filler has long gone.

My camera has recently died and I had to recruit Mrsthereallyniceman, complete with mobile phone and wobbly hands, to take the pics.



5 & 10

7 & 12





Thank you very much (both of you) for the pictures!  Also, please thank Mrs.TRNM for the pics, they show the engraving quite well even where the blacking has disappeared!

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