Spinning this on from another thread where David Wade reported Robb Murch pointing out that the Classic Style has nothing to do with folk music.
I responded....
Rob is of course correct that Classic style has at heart nothing to do with the folk process. It was commercially produced and communicated via dots for one thing.
However as a folkie I feel that these days the style has a home in folk music. I run Walthamstow Folk Club and I find no problem in booking the likes of Rob or Elias Sibley.
Its a bit like Music Hall in that it wasn't anything like folk music in it's day but in 2010 it has become a specialised and non commercial amateur genre which really sits quite happily in the definition of folk music, or certainly within the booking remit of a folk venue.
Folk clubs make a great forum to promote the music and I'd encourage any Classic player to investigate their local.
What do we think?