This may be of interest to anyone looking for a decent zither banjo. It appears to be in good condition, with only a hook for the 2nd string missing on the tail piece.

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Well spotted, Ian. The veneer is not walnut as described. It is Amboyna, This banjo was made by John G Abbott for Barnes & Mullins. The split 2nd fret suggests it is an early one, possibly pre 1905.  I would bid for this myself if didn't already have one.  Mine has two peculiarities: a slightly convex fingerboard (why?  I have no idea) and a rather sharp sound which I subdued with a bamboo bridge. The one up for auction appears to have a flat fingerboard and I can't predict the tone. But it is gorgeous. The expected high bid is £60. Along with fees on hammer price this gem may go for under £100.  A rare bargain in my opinion.   

The second string can be attached the post for the 1st or 3rd string.  If the sound turns out to be  disagreeable this banjo will beautiful any home (look at the back!) 

Hi Jody,

Yes, it really is lovely. I've read everything that is in the archives about these Abbott instruments and like you, think it may be an earlier one.

Initially, I thought that I would definitely bid for it, but I have to consider the fact that I already have a higher quality Windsor that I don't ever play. That is partly because I simply can't connect with it, like Ian and Rob couldn't with your Amboyna and to a greater extent, just how attached I am to my Wilmshurst. It would be a shame if I won the auction and as is likely, it ended up not being used. 

If I thought I could get it for £100, I'd bid in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, shipping to the US would easily double that (maybe more as you generally have to contract someone to pick it up, package it and get it shipped, etc.). I bid on a parlor guitar a couple years ago and the handling/packing/shipping fees were an additional 50%...and that was from here in the States.

As Ian sez, getting another under-utilized instrument would seem a shame (I already have many). My Windsor #1 doesn't get played nearly enough, even though I 'tamed' it by mounting a full set of gut strings.

Out of all my instruments, including some very good ordinary 5 and 6 string banjos, the Wilmshurst zither banjo is the only one that is always out of its case and within reach.

I hope that at least one person who will appreciate the Abbott, is able to place a bid. 

The hammer price on this was £42. I'm sure it is the same banjo that is now on eBay

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