Just thought I'd let y'all know what I got in the mail today from the estate of Z.M.Bickford. The seller seems to either enjoy classifying by publisher or perhaps Mr. Bickford simply had them filed that way. Anyway, the first set are published by Stephen Shepard, Patterson NJ (I had never heard of him). The first is 2 collections of "choice" banjo solos, all of which are 'single page' and all from ~1904-1914:

Book 1

Mazie Waltz (Shepard)

Three Star Schottische (Wilsey)

Ideal Polka (Shepard)

Victor Parade March (Shepard)

Magnetic Schottische (Shepard)

Victoria Cross March (Sage)

Book 2

Venita Waltz (Shepard)

Verona Schottische (Shepard)

Hawthorne Polka (Shepard)

Mae Belle Schottische (Golby)

Morrison Banjo March (Shepard)

Ivy Leaf Schottische (Brown)

Then some singles by the same publisher:

Chief "Big Jaw", An Indian Rag (Warren Dean)

Dainty Dorothy (F.L.Keates)

Yankee Tango (F.L.Keates)

Faithful Friends (D. Acker)

The Irving Two Step (D. Acker)

The Dancing Dwarf (Chittenden)

"Jazz" A La Carte (Chittenden)

And then...

Three different publiser's versions of "Alice, Where Art Thou?", one by Albert Lyles (transcribed by Lyles for A.A. Farland), one by J.E. Dallas (arr by Plumbridge) and the third by E. Ascherberg & Co., London., arr by J.Ascher.

And then...

A couple of pieces ca 1896 by Claud C. Rowden, Chicago...who looks to have been about 15 (on the cover of "Dance Of The Cherubs, playing a Stewart Thoroughbred).

A good haul!

Views: 234

Comment by Trapdoor2 on April 8, 2010 at 21:52
I only know that Bickford was primarily a mandolinist, married to a prominent guitarist (Vadah Olcott-Bickford) and produced a mandolin-method/tutor that is still rated as one of the best. They recorded a few sides for Victor in 1915 (including "Alice, Where Art Thou?"). Bickford evidently did quite a bit of arranging as I have a number of banjo pieces marked "arr Z.M. Bickford". That's about it, other than the pair were part of some sort of numerology cult and changed their first names to Zarh and Vadah...

I have no idea about the quality of these pieces, just that they're arraged/written for 5-string banjo. I think "Chief Big Jaw" is a single-sheet, I'll see if I can get it scanned for you.
Comment by Trapdoor2 on April 8, 2010 at 22:01
Here ya' go, that was too easy! The new HP 6500 printer we bought a few months ago is working out quite well, features a scanner, fax, copier, etc.

Chief Big Jaw.pdf
Comment by Adam on April 8, 2010 at 23:11
Well, if you're taking requests ... :)

If you wouldn't mind scanning Morrison Banjo March ... I doubt it's eponymous in the way I'm thinking of it, but I do play a Morrison banjo, so it seems fitting!
Comment by Trapdoor2 on April 9, 2010 at 0:39
Can do. This one didn't come out as well...the large format doesn't fit the small scanner bed well. Still, the music is readable. You'll have this one worked up in a fortnight so we can hear it? ;-)

The Morrison Banjo March.pdf
Comment by Adam on April 9, 2010 at 2:49
Thanks, Marc! I'll get to work!
Comment by James Tyler on April 9, 2010 at 16:47
A note on the Morrison March: Goldby & Shepard put an ad in S. S. Stewart's Banjo and Guitar Journal, Vol. VI no. 1 [whole number 51], April - May 1889, on page 16.
The ad lists "Latest Publications for the Banjo" and contains seven titles, including the Morrison March.
In the same journal, VI/3 no. 53 August - September 1889 on page 15, Stephen Shepard placed an ad for "Goldby & Shepard's Progressive Studies for the Banjo".
Comment by Trapdoor2 on April 9, 2010 at 17:01
Well spotted! I should have thought to look to Stewart's journals for an ad or two.

BTW, Mr. Latham, I suspect you are correct that "The Morrison Banjo March" is indeed an eponymous composition. I hope it turns out to be a fun one!

More info on "Alice", it seems that a BBC comedy uses it as a theme. I did a quick 'google' search on the title and found a nice midi file along with a pdf of the music with lyrics. Very sentimental tune evidently written in the 1860's. http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=433

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