Well, here I am...starting at #1 and working my way thru. So far, so good! I was able to play numbers 1-5 last night without breaking anything (except minor ego losses).
Sure, lots of stumbling around, mistakes, rhythm errors, etc. I'm trying desperately not to do much "pencil marking" on the pages. There are a few finger-twisters such as the Dmaj in m14 (Exercise #4) where one holds a D on the 4th (second fret) whilst making an A on the third (second fret), a D on the second (third fret) and an F# on the first (4th fret). My fingers don't like that position much at all. ;-)
I think I shall keep working on these exercises in weekly 'blocks'. That is, I intend to work on #1-5 this week and then move to #6-? for next week. I figure if I can devote an hour of concentration to this task at least 5 days a week, I should make decent progress.
Let's see...there are 87 exercises. If I do just three per week, I should be through "excelling" around December. ;-)
I wonder, should I post videos of each exercise as I go? Would that be of any use to anyone?
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