I am keen to find any recordings of the introductory exercises from Herbert J Ellis, that I heard my father play on his zither banjo, and attempted to learn myself. Unfortunately I don't know the names of these pieces.

Also interested in purchasing a good quality zither banjo. I am in Stratford-upon-Avon

Views: 187

Comment by Trapdoor2 on July 11, 2021 at 16:28

Do you know which Ellis tutor these exercises came from? That would be helpful. He published a variety of tutors.

Ellis' "Thorough School" has 6 beginner's exercises and then 12 "easy lessons" which use commonly known tunes as their basis.

I don't know of any recordings of any of the Ellis "exercises" or "easy lessons".

Comment by John King on July 11, 2021 at 18:38

Thanks for your response. No, I don't suppose there would be any reason to record them. Next time there is a physical meeting I could play what I remember to see if anyone recognises. them. Very likely they would be from the 'Thorough School' that you mention.

Comment by Rob MacKillop on August 16, 2021 at 22:21

I don't know how good you regard "good quality", John, but there's a few of them on eBay right now. In fact there's always a few of them on eBay. After a quick look, this one seems decent enough if that crack in the varnish near the neck joint is superficial or has been fixed:


Comment by Rob MacKillop on August 16, 2021 at 22:23

Sorry, I've just noticed it is "collection only"

There's another for £600, but doesn't look as good as the above. 

Comment by John King on August 16, 2021 at 23:26

There isn't much consistency about the prices people ask. I will have to be patient until a nice restored one comes up, either on ebay or elsewhere. 

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