I had an email from one of our members enclosing a link to a picture of Joe Morley that I had not seen before. I have cropped it a little, but here is an aged Joe, obviously still in charge.


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I don't think I ever saw a photo of him so old, nice banjo he's got, is that a Weaver? We must gather more photos of Joe to prepare for his Second Coming.


For, as it is written,


"Men of Banjoland, why do you stand gazing up into BANJOHEAVEN? This same Morley, who was taken up from you into BANJOHEAVEN, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into BANJOHEAVEN."


(I am affected in such a manner by my banjollity and banjofaith, that it bursteth forth from myne typing in the form of glorious ALL-CAPS. Fear not, for it is only good and right!)

My guess would be a Weaver.


Mike... keep taking the tablets  :-)

The master is coming! The master is coming! :-P
I think perhaps he needs more than tablets : )   and PS the type  now seems to be ok. 

thereallyniceman said:

My guess would be a Weaver.


Mike... keep taking the tablets  :-)

Thanks Sylvia.

My software developer had to get into the Ning code to correct the programming error which prevented administrators from increasing  the font size you told me about. I would have expected Ning to get it correct in the first place. If you find anything else please let me know.



It is indeed a Weaver, I've played it - you will find a picture of the late Jack Hird (one of my mentors) plaing it here: http://www.joemorley.co.uk/pages/weaver1.htm

And the bad news is ...that it is for sale ...a snip @£6k!

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