Have you ever wanted to play Fernando Sor's music -- liek a bawss? Are you too lazy to pick up the guitar on the other side of the room? Do not fret! (har har) for Mike Moss hath the solution... Fernando Sor's Andante Op. 31 #1 is only the first of the arrangements found by Mike in an ancient tome, written by the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred (well, Al Jeffrey actually) for the banjo. You can now re-enact the famous (and apocryphal) encounter between Fernando Sor and Joel Walker Sweeney, in which the famous blackface minstrel lent him his banjo; this moment was inmortalized in the famous engraving of Sor, trying out Sweeney's instrument.
Anyhow, here's the score; it's quite challenging but very fun for those who already knew this piece from playing classical guitar. This version includes the added challenge of several "up the neck" parts, and since the original notation is sparingly annotated, I produced a version in TAB so that all may enjoy it.
Please do keep in mind that the TAB version reflects my own choices in fingering but these are not necessarily the best!