ian added some tunes we used to record with éric and Pat some years ago i and i would like to say how it 's a great experience full of joy , playing any banjo , even 2nd or cello in a banjo band ( Jody can approve .. ) ; and this with easy tunes , play at your level . for those who had the chance of playing bluegrass before in a band or not , your already learned 'banjo technique will be a positive thing . i particulary like " transatlantique " by the maestro T Bailey Jn , a tune dedicated to the ABF ; i have totally re created , imagi,ned a way to play it using my fretless cello ; i would say the same thing than above for those who played double bass or electric bass before in a rock or bluegrass band ( i did both ) this is a " + " , because the cello is a banjo but needs the feeling of a real bass player , too . i hope you will enjoy the tracks .