Hi Neil,

It seems that you have managed to delete your post from the main page, don't worry I have reposted it below as a new post. The "LATEST ACTIVITY" on the MAIN page is a copy of posts and comments stored elsewhere on the site, so if deleted the stored version still exists. Welcome to the site. That is a nice collection of banjos you have there. I love my Special XX and CE banjos in general.. Keep posting, and don't touch that little "x" 



Hello and thankyou. Ok, my banjos! well I have collected them over 30 years and a couple are unplayable at present, The one I play most is an early Clifford Essex concert grand which has a XX special tailpiece and tension hoop tho' I suspect is original, it is the less common rosewood (can't remember the proper name for this particular darkwood) model and I bought it over the internet from America from Zepp country music, and suspect it was exported there a long time ago, it needs a few minor things putting right but is perfectly playable. I also have an early 20's Paragon no. 266, a Cammeyer zither banjo and an unknown, budget but exceedingly old, fretless, my two unplayable ones are another CE concert grand from the 30's in maple with a warped and twisted neck it will need a new neck, this banjo went around Europe with a soldier during WWII and a Windsor zither with a bowed neck, I have a cheap 60's John Grey for camping etc. But after all that I don't (as yet) play classical style, and mostly use the drop thumb frailing technique.

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