I'm in the early stages of planning an informal banjo performance for April/May. At a certain point, I realized I was already working mostly on pieces by British composers, so I decided to stick with that theme for the performance (also considering that for American audiences, "British Banjo Music" may generate more initial interest than, well, "American banjo music"). I need maybe two more pieces for the set. They should be musically interesting but not too difficult -- I don't have much time to learn them, and I'm already playing some pretty physically demanding stuff. So far, it's looking like:
2-3 pieces by Morley (NOT looking for more)
1-2 by Grimshaw (NOT looking for more)
1 by Lawes
1 by Oakley
1 by Tilley
1 by Cammeyer (I know, technically not British)
I was considering something by Ellis, but honestly nothing really appeals to me. I should mention that I will have a pianist, but again, increasingly limited practice/rehearsal time is a consideration. If you were in my position, are there any composers (and better yet, specific pieces) you would simply have to have in a program of all-British classic banjo?