Here is a list of Rallies and Schools and Meetings featuring Classic Style Banjo for the year ahead.
If you have other events that you would like to promote please email me.
Banjo Workshop Day
with Danielle Saxon Reeves
Saturday March 9th, 9.30am - 5.30pm
Christian Community Centre,
Baylie Street,
DY8 1AZ, United Kingdom
Learn best practice for better results
Ensemble Playing
Improve your sight-reading
Feel confident about performing
£45 or only £40 if fee received before 31/12/12
For further details and to book contact: or 01384 893 987
Midlands and North Banjo Rally
Saturday April 27th. 2013 from 12.00 noon
Clowne Community Centre,
Clowne, Nr. Chesterfield.
Derbyshire S43 4PL
A Classic Banjo Rally with informal concert and trade stalls.
For more information contact:
David Wade 07976 875 619
The British BMG Federation Summer School
21st- 23rd June 2013
Halsway Manor,
Near Taunton,
Somerset TA4 4BD
United Kingdom
A Classic Fingerstyle Banjo Weekend Workshop
For more information:
Midland Banjo Fest
Saturday October 12th 2013
Hilton House Hotel
Derbyshire DE65 5GP
United Kingdom
All styles of banjo playing: Classic Style, plectrum, tenor, bluegrass, frailing etc.
Opens 12.00 noon and concert starts 3.00pm
Contacts: Tom Ryan 07811 336 636
or David Wade 07976 875 619