I found this VERY rare radio recording, made in 1951, of the BBC Radio programme “In Town Tonight” featuring the Gloucester BMG Orchestra. (Did we really all speak like that in 1951 ???????)


I thought that you may like to hear it. Obviously there are plectrum banjos in there but there could be the odd classic player too, stuck trying to be heard, at the back ;-)

There has been a long tradition of BMG groups here in the UK and I was wondering how many still exist, both over here and particularly around the world?


I can see from the UK BMG website that there are many “MG” groups around but only few “B” or “BMG” groups. Also I suspect that even the “Bs” will be plectrum too!


We have discussed in the past having a go at producing a “Cyber Classic Banjo Orchestra” video, with people recording individual parts which we would then edit together.


Whistling Rufus has been suggested as the music as it is catchy and not too difficult to learn. We have a few volunteers already and the idea was that a piano part MP3 would be posted and people could make recordings while playing along. Any takers to have a go at playing?


It will require quite a bit of organisation, but should be possible. One thing though, it will be a long-term project and not something for tomorrow.


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