Hello everyone,

I'm looking for books about banjo, history, brands models.
Can anyone give me some titles

Thank you and happy new year

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Books on American Banjos :

"America's Instrument The Banjo in the Nineteenth Century" by P. F Gura & J.F Bollman

"1001 Banjos" by Akira Tsumura

"Banjos The Tsumura Collection" by Akira Tsumura

"The Birth of the Banjo" Katonah Museum of Art 2004

"Spann's Guide to Gibson 1902-1941" by J. E. Spann

"Gibson Mastertone Flathead Banjos of the 1930's and 1940's" by Jim Mills


Internet : Google "Bacon Banjo"   "Fairbanks Banjo"   "Cole Banjo"  Gibson Banjo" etc

Thank you Shawn, I'll check those books

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