Frank Coyne kindly sent a list of scores that he has available to share with us and one title reminded me of a great video that was produced a few years ago by Joel and Carl.

To me, their amazing performance was haunting and spellbinding, so thought that it was worth another watch!

Now we have the score available in the MUSIC LIBRARY too.

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Hi Rich, The suggestion that personal email addresses should not be posted is for your safety. Addresses can be "leeched" by spammers who will then target with email spam of probably the worse kind!

This was introduced because the NING platform (All sites, not just Classic Banjo) has been targeted by automated spambots that attempt to register as members and then email spam all legitimate site members.  At one stage we were rejecting up to 50 spam membership requests a day!!  If you decide to register nowadays you will have to jump through numerous hoops and checks before you are accepted to stop this dreadful spamming.

Just for your interest here is a spam membership request from the other day:

As much as I would like "Hottie" as a member, I hate to guess what she may have been able to offer on site! 

So, If you wish to contact ANY site member you must first go to their page (by clicking their photo icon or site name) and make a request for them to accept you as a FRIEND.

When they have accepted you as a FRIEND then you will be able to send messages via their page or from the your Email inbox  at the top RHS of the page. (below where you sign in)

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