Comment by Rob MacKillop on October 9, 2014 at 17:43

Hi folks, sorry I've been away for a while. Here's a bonnie tune from Uncle Frank Converse. I hope you like the music. 

The banjo is my Parslow, though there is thought that the neck might be by Temlett - which Temlett, I don't know.

The video also features a new source of banjo strings: Damian Dlugolecki is based in Oregon, USA, and is a renowned maker of gut strings for the classical fraternity. I persuaded him to make me two sets - one at modern pitch, and one down a minor third for the old American tuning. The higher-pitched ones are on it today. 

His website:

He isn't advertising them yet, but will make them if asked. He is getting interested in the banjo, and is on the lookout for an old gem. I have no relationship with him other than pushing him to make the strings. For the record, they are the best I've ever had. 



Comment by thereallyniceman on October 10, 2014 at 7:33

Good to see you back on site Rob with, as expected, another spectacular performance.

I have never managed to get the sound you get out of that Parslow out of any of my banjos!

5 stars *****

Comment by Rob MacKillop on October 10, 2014 at 8:05

Thanks, Ian. I never manage to get your sound out of my banjos either. I'm glad we don't all sound the same. 

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