This 6d Woolworth's record of 'Twinkletoes' (composed by TB Jnr. when he was 16 years old) was one of the first banjo records I came across, when I used to go through piles of 78 rpm records in the junk shops of Sheffield in the 1960s, looking for banjo records. This was also the first tune I managed to nearly learn to play just by listening to the recording, I found that I had got most of it right when I eventually got round to sending for the sheet music from Earlham Street ( sheet music from the CE Co. always arrived by post, rolled up extremely tightly, they must have had a special machine to reduce the many pages of the average banjo tune with 1st banjo and 2nd banjo, and piano accompaniments, to the diameter of a pencil). It's a good tune which i still play occasionally, the reverse side of the record is a medley of songs from a long forgotten musical show called 'Love me Tonight'.
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