Nice banjo Ruth, I've always wanted something a bit more colourful than the plain Weaver banjos that I have mostly played over the years, except for the odd diversion into a couple of Abbott 'Mirable' models and a few Stewart 'Thoroughbreds' I always returned to the Weaver banjo as it seemed to be a good all rounder, and usually, they are very loud, which is a thing I like about a banjo.
Thanks! This is the only banjo I have ever played so I can't compare it to others, but it sure is louder than my acoustic guitars. One of the nice things about Gold Tone's website is there are sound bites for the instruments. I had planned on getting a resonator banjo until I listened to the different ones and found I like the sound of the open back ones better. So I figured I might as well get a pretty one.
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