I had an email for our friend Rob Murch letting me know about the new banjo that he has had built for him. "Based on his Weaver"... well you can't get better than that.
Here is Rob's email:
Hello Ian!
Hope all's well with you! Just a link here to a Banjo I’ve had made by a local company. We have a newish village hall in our village and the old sad sorry state of a Hall was knocked down but it had a lovely Canadian maple floor which I took loads and loads of planks from. The neck is made from these planks cloned from my Weaver Banjo next to it.
The pot I think is an old Temlett which I picked up for £40! I’m looking for some more hooks as you can see in the photo to fill in the extra hole..
Keep scrolling down through the photos to see how they made the neck...
Have a look at the Brook Guitars website. Nice work indeed !
When do we get to hear it Rob?