Marc dalmasso's Comments

Comment Wall (18 comments)

At 10:57 on January 4, 2009, Ray Jones said…
Hello Marc. I have a French banjo friend. His name is Eric Stefanelli. Have you heard of him? Ray
At 13:35 on January 4, 2009, Carl Anderton said…
Welcome, Marc. I really enjoy your music.
At 20:17 on January 25, 2009, Ray Jones said…
A most unusual piece Marc. What a wonderful variety of banjo tunes we are hearing. Congratulations.
At 13:51 on April 7, 2009, Eric STEFANELLI said…
LA MI LA MI LA,c'est ce qui est marqué sur la tombe d'un musicien qui était mort d'avoir trop mangé de pain de mie...dixit la mie l'a mis là...
J'ai pris contact avec tout ce petit monde, j'en connais déjà pas mal depuis un bail, les autres sont trés sympas.
Merci mon pote !
At 0:44 on May 5, 2009, Dan Colombo said…
Hey, thanks! I like your version of the Morley too; I'll have to incorporate the octaves on the walkdown of the "D" section--sounds great. I'm doing my best to approximate William Ball's performance on that tune; have you heard it?

At 16:12 on August 24, 2009, Lucas Gonze said…
Marc, is mandolin-banjo from the same period as classic banjo? I thought it post-dated it. If so, can I use nylguts on a mandolin banjo? It sure would be great to get that rubbery sound.

My mandolin-banjo is a 1915 instrument, btw.
At 4:26 on October 5, 2009, Clarke Buehling said…
Just thought I would give my greetings. Thanks for sending the link to the
Banjoree photos. I hope you still get to play although Eric and Pat have left
your area.
At 16:52 on May 26, 2010, Tarry Barriball said…
Hi Marc - I could not help but note that you were aware my father (Tom Barriball) played a "Clifford Essex Regal" banjo. How did you get to know my father? We, the family, have over more recent years lost an awful lot of photos and history in relation to our Father and my Brother in Leicester & I are trying to regain some of what has been lost. Anything you can tell me would be very much appreciated
At 18:25 on May 26, 2010, David Wade said…
Tarry, I am probably better placed to help here as the photo appears on my web site : It is a fairly common photo of Tom during his service days.
At 6:20pm on May 28, 2010, Tarry Barriball gave marc dalmasso a gift
hi Marc - Many thanks for explaining about the CE Regal and how you knew about my father having one. Kind Regards Tarry Barriball
At 16:05 on May 20, 2012, Jody Stecher said…

I'm contemplating your family story and wondering. Was your great- grandfather in an isolated area? I haven't noticed a bouzouki shortage in Australia, at least not in the cities.  If the five string banjo, which is about as far as a string instrument can get from a bouzouki in construction, sound, playing technique, appearance, etc is as close as he could get to a bouzouki he must have been very far indeed. Maybe it was the long neck that seemed similar (?)  

At 16:19 on May 20, 2012, marc dalmasso said…

i have read somewhere  he said his grandfather was half _ Greek ;

about Greece éric told me this Washburn / top of the line he reburbished was buyed by his customer on a junk_market in Greece for .......60 $

At 22:52 on July 12, 2012, Robert Dooley said…
Just heard for the first time a beautiful waltz by Erik Satie "Je te veux". I think an arrangement for classic banjo would be wonderful.
R. Dooley, St. Paul, Mn

Really enjoyed the Bubi piece!!
At 18:00 on May 27, 2013, Hal Allert said…

Marc, I was looking at your arrangement for Sweet Corn by Weidt. In the original music, there is a key change from C to F at measure 56 that continues until the end of the song. In your piano arrangement, you maintain the key of C throughout the entire piece. I am curious why you did this? The partial 2nd banjo accompaniment also goes to F, however the rest of the song is not included in the download. I am trying to arrange the piece for my band but without the remaining 2nd part all I can rely on is your piano arrangement, which doesn't seem to be correct. Could you respond to me? 

Hal Allert

At 20:18 on May 27, 2013, Hal Allert said…

Which software are you using? Could you send me copy of the revision, too?

Which part are you saying is too long, the 2nd banjo part?

At 19:17 on May 29, 2013, thereallyniceman said…

Hi Hal,

I notice that you mention the  "partial 2nd banjo accompaniment" for Sweet Corn. There may be a bit of confusion as to how the score is laid out. I have added a couple of Coda phrase instructions to the score and you can now see that the whole 2nd banjo/guitar acc is, in fact, on that single page of the download.

I have also amended the MUSIC LIBRARY for this score download to contain the above page and Marc's updated, 3 page version, of the 1st banjo with piano accompaniment.

At 19:37 on June 2, 2013, Hal Allert said…

Marc, I am still having difficulty with your arrangement of Sweet Corn. The 1st and 2nd parts have 97 measures in them. Your arrangement differs greatly at measure 40. I think you are going to the wrong part- B instead of returning to A. Could you look at it again and confirm what I just said? I really would like the left hand piano part to be in keeping with the 1st and 2nd parts so I can convert it to a cello banjo part.


At 19:39 on April 30, 2014, Alan Sims said…

Hi Mark .My banjo just the same as yours .It is Clifford Essex co .I noticed when I took it a part to refurbish it there were four lines iiii on the perch pole with a line through the middle .I wondered what it was Any ideas .

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