I've run across a request for any additional sheets to "Cheerio Lads" by Jan Wien. At first glance, the copy in the library does look like it might be page 1 of 2...but there's a direction at the bottom to go back to A, then B and then Segno to Fine...maybe it is just one page after all.

Anyway, if anyone has a page 2 (or maybe a 2nd or piano part), please let me know.

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I've just had a shuffle thought the Jan Wien (real name Joseph Madden) file, it looks like a one pager from the B.M.G. magazine, to me. Mine finishes with the Trio in C major and then (A) to (B) then from the sign to Fine.  The piece has a bit of Cammeyer influence I think, bits of it are very reminiscent of 'Marche en Passant'; it's a jolly piece and worth playing.

Does anyone have "Laughing Moon"?  I like the title. 

Thanks, Richard!

Interesting stuff. I think I had (maybe its in a box somewhere here) a cassette (from David Wade) with some of Jan's recordings on it. He was a great player.

I've re-set it, making it into a two-pager, incorporating the A-B repeat. It reads a bit easier that way.


Richard William Ineson said:

Having played through this piece again, I think that the trio is based on the old Scottish farewell song 'We're No Awa Tae Bide Awa'.

'Laughing Moon' is a mystery to me, I've never seen a copy of the music and certainly never heard anyone play it, but it will turn up eventually. .

Joel Hooks said:

Does anyone have "Laughing Moon"?  I like the title. 

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